- Individual Professional Liability
- Premises / Personal Liability
- Contractual / Vicarious Liability
- Additional Insured / Interest
- Reporting Endorsement for Tail Coverage
- Prior Acts
Individual Professional Liability
Individual Professional Liability provides the Insured coverage for the performance of professional services rendered or which should have been rendered by the Insured or any person for whose acts or omissions the insured is legally responsible (does not include a partnership, corporation, professional association, or any other physician). To apply, please click here.
Premises / Personal Injury
Premises/Personal Injury Liability is an “Occurrence” Insurance agreement and provides the Insured coverage for claims against the Insured because of bodily injury, property damage, and/or personal injury caused by an occurrence and arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use as a medical office or clinic of the insured premises and all operations necessary or incidental thereto.
Personal Injury: any one or more of the following offenses if directly incident to professional services: False arrest, detention or imprisonment; Malicious prosecution; Wrongful entry or eviction or other invasion of the right of private occupancy; Libel or slander. Property Damage: injury to or destruction of tangible property, including loss of use of that property.
Contractual / Vicarious Liability
Contractual Liability is an “Occurrence” insuring agreement and provides the Insured coverage for liability assumed under a written contract or agreement that the Insured otherwise would not have.
Vicarious Liability provides professional liability coverage to an Insured for the professional acts and services rendered on the Insured’s behalf by another physician.
Additional Insured / Interest
Additional Insured/Additional Interest liability is an “Occurrence” insuring agreement. Additional Insured coverage provides non-physician employees with separate individual policy limits of liability. Additional Interest coverage provides non-physician employees or other entities coverage under the physician’s policy limits of liability; therefore, the limits are shared.
Reporting Endorsement for Tail Coverage
Tail Coverage provides the Insured with an unending period of time in which he/she can report claims arising out of the performance of professional services rendered or which should have been rendered subsequent to the Retroactive Date and prior to the termination date of the Claims Made policy.
Prior Acts
We now offer prior acts coverage to eligible specialties and within specific underwriting guidelines. Rates are based on the number of prior years being requested.

Why Choose MACM?

Physician Advocacy
MACM protects Tort Reform for physicians in the Mississippi Legislature and Supreme Court. In addition to protecting our insured physicians, we work hard to educate them when legislation or judicial decisions arise that could directly affect their ability to practice effectively in the state of Mississippi. Regular communication with our insureds lets them know what is going on in the legislative and judicial environment in Mississippi and how they can participate in the process.
- We sponsor amicus briefs involving key appellate issues.
- We have a Government Affairs Program, which is active in executive, judicial, and legislative elections in Mississippi.
- We monitor and respond to legislation that could adversely affect Mississippi healthcare providers.
- Retains Lobbyists to monitor and manage legislation important to MACM physicians.
- MACM has the largest Political Action Committee in Mississippi.
- MACM was responsible for getting the nation’s best COVID immunity law passed in Mississippi.

Tail Coverage
After five years with the Company, there is no extra charge for tail coverage upon retirement, regardless of the age of the physician. Should a physician become disabled or die, the premium and the five-year requirement are waived.

Our Staff
We offer immediate access to experienced, well-trained Underwriters, Claims Representatives, and Risk Management Consultants in our offices located in Ridgeland, Mississippi.

eMD Cyber Liability Coverage
As technology becomes a greater part of a physician’s practice, Medical Assurance Company of Mississippi recognizes that our insureds have increased risk relative to unauthorized access to data. Data breaches of protected health information can stem from someone hacking into a computer system, rogue employees, stolen laptops, lost smart phones, or careless vendors. Data breaches are growing in number, and we believe that our insureds need to be protected. MACM insured physicians and clinics now have coverage, through NAS Insurance Services, Inc. that provides protection in seven areas:
- Multimedia Liability
- Security and Privacy Liability
- Privacy Regulatory Defense and Penalties
- Network Asset Protection
- Cyber Extortion
- Cyber Terrorism
- Privacy Breach Response Costs, Patient Notification Expenses, and Patient Support and Credit Monitoring Expenses